Výtoň is a former customs building standing on the right bank of the Vltava River, which served for the collection of duties on wood which was brought to Prague by the river.

The present building has a late Gothic core, however, the rest of the building  was built in the 16th century. It has a wooden 1st floor and a brick ground floor. Since 1561, when the building was bought by the New Town for the collection of duties, there worked collectors, inspectors and two office clerks. In 1833 , when the customs was dissolved, it opened as an inn.

At the beginning of the 20th century there arose an idea to build a museum dedicated to the life of the so-called Podskaláks, the people called after the Podskalí settlements, where they lived and earned their living by wood floatation. It finally became possible to realize this idea and now the building is a branch of the Museum of the City of Prague. Prague has two permanent exhibitions - Vanished Podskalí and From the History of Prague Steam Navigation. The Vltavan Assosiation resides here. The assosiation still keeps the ancient traditions of the Podskalí.

Interesting fact:

The very name "Výtoň" is derived from the Old Czech word to "cut off". That was the term for the method of collecting duties. In the 14th century, one twelfth was cut off the logs, which were tied to the raft of floated wood.

Maybe you'll notice that the building in Výtoň stands below the surrounding terrain. This trench demonstrates the original ground level, which was increased artificially by the construction of Prague's embankments.

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